I'm still full up on a lot of things. Work has been keeping me happy and entertained, and I believe I recently earned a 5% raise to celebrate a year of working with the company! Still learning some of the ropes for a new style of production, but it's only as a backup in case of emergencies, so hopefully nothing too problematic will occur...

I'll be out of town next weekend, I've been invited to my old roommate's mother's wedding, and I think with all that they've done for me over my decade spent in Seattle, Thanksgivings, Christmases, lots of family get togethers, it's only fair that I go up and attend! This will be my first time travelling with a car rental, as while I probably could handle a 13 hour drive north and back down south, I think I'd like to spend a little more and relax instead of drive for a long time. Might even drive over to DigiPen to see what the ol' Alma Mater has been up to and visit another friend or two in the area!

Still planning to spend most of October in Ireland, it's basically a family reunion we're planning up at some distant cousins' for a lot of the remaining folks and family, so I'm going to need to do some planning. I've got my flights scheduled for the 5th thru the 22nd, so I'll see what I can do to keep connected there and reconnect with my family once more!

Again, apologies for such infrequent comics. I do have a dream to earn an Ursa Major award with this story and comic, but my current energy levels are insufficient after work to maintain appropriate sanity levels, but I'm doing my best with what I have to work with!

Thank you all for being here and supporting my other side of life. It means a lot to me.