Well. There's that.
Thank you all for sticking with me through thick and thin and being willing to offer me support be it monetary or socially. I'm sadly going to have to put Boomer Express down again due to real life concerns and issues that are hopefully an improvement and better focus in life right now.
I attended a "Summer Camp" for ToonBoom animation this past February, and they offered me a free Professional Exam once I was ready. I barely made the deadline for this offer, and will be working on my Professional Exam most of the upcoming month to try to obtain my Certification, and a six month free license of ToonBoom to use for my last remaining other Patreon works.
Once I complete this exercise (about 20-30 hours of work), I will work on my 3D animatic skills by finishing the Telltale Games art test that I began, since there is an open chance that I may still make the cut by completing the 3D-ification of my animatic, and doing the bonus content that they included with it. I don't know how long that will take or if I'll be able to finish it before the job opening closes, but I need to try.
I want to do some interstitial stories before beginning Book III. I want to expand on Ferrington as a city, the world as a whole, and the backgrounds of Jared, Victoria, Adam, and their families. I started this comic in my 20s, and I'm now much more experienced nearing the end of my 30s. I want the comic to evolve to reflect that without moving too far away from the current story and outline I have written down.
I don't know when I'll be back to Boomer Express, and I wish I could say I've 'earned a break' from drawing it, but honestly I don't think I've come close to what I wanted out of 16 years of constantly being distracted and inconsistent. I want to be better, and I'm working to be better. I'm learning how to accept not being perfect, and how to continue onward without losing hope.
Thank you all, and Boomer Express will return.
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