Well. I wish I could say I was in the clear, and that comics will continue on a weekly, thrice weekly, or daily basis... but my life is far from that coherent at the moment.
I'm still in flux with Telltale Games on the Associate Cinematics position, but hopefully, I'll have an answer within a week or so.
Patreon is carved down to just a dozen or so extant commissions. Some of which are willing to let me work them out in Harmony for some animation practice, so that's good...
I'm running out of time for a free six month Harmony license if I get my Certification going. I need to get some Harmony practice in soon.
There are a good bit of Rampage Badges I need to get done before Sunday.
I'm about a third of the way through my Allosaurus Games project with Spike. The cards are getting easier to make.
Anthrocon is coming at me like a missile. I'm just not really good at time management and being where I want to be. I was hoping to have some T-shirts, magnets, or more than just some stickers to bring to Anthrocon and set up a little Artist's Alley spot, but I'm gonna have to figure out everything before this paragraph if I want to be a serious convention vendor.
I need to get some keychain rings for a side project and pick up some white Sculpey to bake a new tooth for my Tyrnn costume, plus I made a promise to my Dad to head into downtown San Fransisco for Father's Day, so that's on my agenda for tomorrow.
I'm fighting depression through all of this. At least half of my days are just me exhausted and unable to cope with the strain of all of this work I've promised to do. The other half is me wondering why I ever had any trouble at all because I get so much done.
And the pizzajob. Yeah. I'm gonna continue earning money for now instead of trying to force myself to sink or swim.
Boomer Express will continue as long as I draw breath. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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